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Summer Business Survival Tips


Are you wondering whether your business can survive this summer heat wave?

Everybody is on vacation and the heat is getting to you…

Stop pressuring yourself and start doing something to energize your business in summer.

Here are my business survival tips:

Be honest and plan again:

Is your plan working? Do you have a plan B?

This summer we should be realistic. As they say “Honesty is the best policy”.

This summer evaluate yourself and your company.

Be honest and realistic about the situation identifying the problems.

Plan and develop new strategies on how to overcome these problems.

Plant now and harvest later.

Did you hear this phrase “ No Pain, No Gain” ?

Well I’m sure you did and in business this is also true.

Even during the downturn you need to invest in the future.

I call these wise investments. Like for example, summer time is the best time to prepare your marketing power.

Make a corporate video or marketing videos (contact us we’ll show you how) which you can use in presenting your company.

Make product videos that can explain your products productively.

Invest now on such products.

Summer prices.

You always get good deals in summer, so look around and make use of such opportunities.

They are not available all the time.

Like MovieMedia, we have created SimpleProductions for simple budgets for simple product videos, GM’s speechs, invitations and web videos.

Ask the masters.

Have you watched a kung fu film/movie?

Remember that if the star has been beaten he automatically goes back to his master? Well, we should do that too.

We should have masters in our business. The one who can give us advise.

Look for somebody who is in the business for a long time.

Eventually we have to be brave and wise if we want to survive this summer.

Be positive and pro active.

Listen to and learn from people who have been there.

Invest in good seeds and don’t forget to water them with love and passion.


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