Blog, Lights, Camera, Action!

Of amateurs and cameramen


Lighting cameramen – artists in their own right

Point and shoot… there are many out there who think that is all there is to camerawork.

And who can blame them when digital technology has made cameras so user-friendly.

When I started my career as a cinematographer it was the days of 35 mm and cameras such as Arriflexes ruled.

I studied film making and cinematography and graduated as a lighting cameraman.

Yes, we had to know how to light.

That rule still stands and that is what distinguishes a good cameraman from an amateur wielding a handicam.

Point and shoot… yes, the director’s of my time would certainly have done that to us cameramen if they were to deal with some of the stuff that’s passed off as professional camerawork… except they would not have used a camera to do that!

– george –

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